Last Sunday Travis and I smoothed out the rough edges on the bridge that crosses over to Michael's hill. Basically, we flattened the top of a log with: a chain-saw, a hammer and two adzes. Boy was that easy! I wish we could do that once a week. Anyway, the bridge is quite a bit easier to cross now.
We also finished the short trail to the portable restroom. It will be a nice, meandering hike through the woods. Oh, while cutting the beginning of this trail (two Sundays ago) I discovered two phasmids (D.femorata). The first was by accident while chopping through short brush. The second was by joke when I told Travis to shake the small tree he was standing next to. After that we went around shaking trees but didn't find any more.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Last Weekend... (5/13/07)
Posted by BeetleSource at 7:01 PM