Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Last Weekend... (5/13/07)

    Last Sunday Travis and I smoothed out the rough edges on the bridge that crosses over to Michael's hill. Basically, we flattened the top of a log with: a chain-saw, a hammer and two adzes. Boy was that easy! I wish we could do that once a week. Anyway, the bridge is quite a bit easier to cross now.
    We also finished the short trail to the portable restroom. It will be a nice, meandering hike through the woods. Oh, while cutting the beginning of this trail (two Sundays ago) I discovered two phasmids (D.femorata). The first was by accident while chopping through short brush. The second was by joke when I told Travis to shake the small tree he was standing next to. After that we went around shaking trees but didn't find any more.
